quarta-feira, 4 de maio de 2016

My School Trip

My "Dream School Trip" would be a sightseeing trip to Paris. There, we could go to Louvre Museum and see everything we were studying (as Louvre has everything!). For example, if we were studying the Ancient Egypt in our history class, we could see all those mummies, sarcophagus and other objects from this period. We could also visit Versailles' castle, to discover where all those kings we heard about have lived. 
In arts classes, we could see Mona Lisa, or even take go to a tour around the city, as Paris itself is a piece of art! There are also a lot of art museums in the French capital, so we could visit them. If we wanted to learn French, we could practice it there. Wouldn't it be great?
Concluding, a trip to Paris would have a lot of postive points and would be a great experience for all students. That's why I chose it!

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