segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2016


Yesterday, I went to Guacamole, a Mexican restaurant situated at Nilo Peçanha avenue. I am not a fan of Mexican food, but I really liked it!
The restaurant serves tacos, nachos with guacamole sauce, burritos, and other typical Mexican dishes. As we wanted to try everything, my family and I asked for a mix of all those dishes, and it was great! The atmosphere was also special: waiters were very friendly and would sing Mexican songs all over the restaurant, and the place was completely decorated with piñatas and colorful small flags. The atmosphere was a bit noisy, but if you want to go to a restaurant that feels like a party, it's the right place for you!
I really liked the food and the place, but for me, Guacamole is too expensive, as we are not talking about gourmet food, but typical Mexican food, which doesn't cost much to be cooked. Besides that, it's a really nice and funny place, and I would highly recommend it for people who want to celebrate their birthday in a restaurant.

quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2016

Me Gusta

Some weeks ago, my family and I went to Me Gusta, a hamburger place near my house. We had never heard about them before, but the restaurant was surprisingly good!
I asked for a hamburger whose ingredients were all chosen by me, and this is a very positive point of Me Gusta: if you don't like any of the alternatives of hamburgers from the menu, you can choose one made especially for you! The waiters were very friendly with us, as was the whole atmosphere at the restaurant: funny sentences written on the walls make you feel like you are not in a restaurant, but in a friend's house!
The price was a bit expensive for a hamburger, but it is kind of the price range of "gourmet" hamburger places in Porto Alegre. However, when you buy 20 Me Gusta products (and this includes hamburgers, drinks and deserts), you can spin a roulette, which you can win prizes that go from a drink to hamburgers for two. I found this a very nice initiative!
Concluding, besides the negative point of the high price, I found Me Gusta an amazing place and I will certainly come back.

quarta-feira, 4 de maio de 2016

My School Trip

My "Dream School Trip" would be a sightseeing trip to Paris. There, we could go to Louvre Museum and see everything we were studying (as Louvre has everything!). For example, if we were studying the Ancient Egypt in our history class, we could see all those mummies, sarcophagus and other objects from this period. We could also visit Versailles' castle, to discover where all those kings we heard about have lived. 
In arts classes, we could see Mona Lisa, or even take go to a tour around the city, as Paris itself is a piece of art! There are also a lot of art museums in the French capital, so we could visit them. If we wanted to learn French, we could practice it there. Wouldn't it be great?
Concluding, a trip to Paris would have a lot of postive points and would be a great experience for all students. That's why I chose it!

segunda-feira, 2 de maio de 2016

My most memorable journey

My most memourable journey was for sure when I went for a month to Peru. It was a brilliant journey from the beginning until the end, and I will be happy to tell you about it.
In the beginning of my journey, I went by train from Porto Alegre, Brazil, to Lima, Peru. I arrived at the Peruvian capital at 8 p.m., and then took a train to Machu Picchu, where I was going to camp.
It was 1a.m. when I arrived, so everything was dark. I had no idea of were to go, so I asked a man in the station how I could get to the region I wanted to go. He answered that he could take me there by llama, but it would cost 15 dollars. I accepted and the man brought a great llama that could take 2 people.
It took three hours to arrive there, but I wasn't really caring about time, but about my life. The llama passed by narrow, old ways, where I though for some moments I was about to die. Those were probably the worst three hours of my life!
But I can guarantee you it is worth the suffering: Machu Picchu is one of the most beautiful and amazing places I have ever been to. The nature, the inca buildings, the animals, everything is fantastic! The month I spent there was a memorable journey and I would be happy to go there by llama a thousand times if necessary, just to visit this amazing region!

segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2016


The Ideal Holiday:

My ideal holiday would be going to London. First, I would take the best place on the plane. Arriving there, I would stay at a 5 stars hotel, with breakfast (a great breakfast!) included and I would rent a very comfortable room. I would visit touristic places as the Big Ben, Churchil War Rooms, the London Eye. During weekends, I would watch football matches at the best place of the stadium. At night, I would go to the best restaurants of the city and try their specialities.
I would stay in  London for one month, so I could visit everything I wanted calmly, without worrying about time and feeling free to rest sometimes. When the time to go back arrived, I would rent a particular jet and travel back to Brazil relaxing.

The Worst Holiday:

In my worst holiday, I would go to a horrible city. The plane would be late and my seat would be very uncomfortable. Arriving there, I would have to stay in a hotel which I would be obligated to leave every day at 6am and I would just be able to come back at 12pm. The rest of the day, I would have to walk all the day long, without being able to visit any touristic place (the city has no touristic point. It is a horrible city, remember?). There would be a lot of violence, so I should be always aware about criminals. When the time to go back home arrived (finally!), the plane would be late again...

domingo, 6 de março de 2016

Correction (Writing exercise)

I prefer to read printed books and I willl explain why.
First of all, I have always prefered to feel the book, the pages. I do not know why, but for me it is much better to feel the weight of the book I am acquiring knowledge from.
Moreover, I find it hard to sleep after reading in a bright screen. It takes me a lot of time to fall asleep.
Finally, I think you have a better vision of your reading progress with printed bookss.
That is why I prefer it! I hope I have helped you!




- Try to reduce sentences
- Cheers = not formal
- Write clearer sentences