Christmas Eve, Liesel builds a snowman in the basement for Max. Shortly
afterwards, Max gets very sick and falls into a coma. Death comes to Himmel
Street and visits Max but doesn’t take his soul. Liesel begins bringing him
presents from the outside world, such as a pinecone, a feather, and a candy
wrapper. One day, watching a cloud rise over the hills, papa suggests Liesel
give Max the cloud as one of his presents. She memorizes what the cloud looks
like, then writes the description on a piece of paper that she leaves by his
bedside. She decides to read the rest of The Whistler to Max,
telling herself that he will wake up once she’s finished the book, and reads
the final chapters in one afternoon. Max still doesn’t wake up. Liesel and Rudy
ride bikes to the mayor’s house, where the window is open. Liesel climbs
through the window and steals another book, The Dream Carrier,
which she selects because of the title’s relation to both her and Max’s
recurring dreams. She and Max escape without being detected. Death suggests
that perhaps the mayor’s wife, Frau Hermann, keeps the window open in hopes
that Liesel will come back and steal another book.
begins reading the new book to Max, who remains unconscious. Rosa and Hans
discuss what they will do if Max dies, and how they will dispose of the corpse
without arousing suspicion from the neighbors. All members of the Hubermann
household are aware of the fact that, with Max sick, there is extra food for
the rest of them, though no one mentions this benefit. Liesel dreams, as usual,
of her dead brother, but this time he turns into Max in the dream. Finally, in
the middle of March, Max wakes up. Rosa comes to Liesel’s school, and
pretending to be angry with her for using her hairbrush, takes her into the
hall and tells her the news. Liesel is ecstatic. Death checks in from Cologne,
where bombs have killed 500 people. Children collect the empty fuel tanks from
the bombers. Death, working overtime, is exhausted, but knows the worst is yet
to come.
Molching, Nazi soldiers arrive and begin checking basements to see if they are
deep enough to serve as bomb shelters. Liesel and Rudy are playing soccer when
they come, and Liesel realizes she must warn Rosa, Hans, and Max, since Max
lives in their basement. She intentionally gets injured in the game and cries
for Hans. He takes her home and there is just time to warn Max but not enough
time to hide him. A soldier arrives and checks the basement, but doesn’t see
Max, who has hidden. Summer arrives. Death describes the sky as “the color of
Jews.” He takes the souls of a group of French Jews in a German prison in
Poland. Above the Jew-colored clouds, he says, the sun is “blond” and the sky
is a “giant blue eye.”
section shows the intensifying effects of the war both on ordinary Germans and
on Europe’s Jews. Death interrupts the narrative twice to describe two scenes
of mass death: the bombing of Cologne and the Nazi death camps in Poland. Of
the second scene, he describes the sky being “the color of Jews,” which refers
to the smoke rising from the massive crematoria the Nazis used to dispose of
the Jewish bodies. Above this smoke, the sky resembles the Aryan ideal of human
perfection. It is the color of blue eyes, and the sun is the yellow of blond
hair. This description extends Hitler’s vision of a master race beyond mankind
to all of nature. It’s an exaggeration of Hitler’s reach, of course, but what
it symbolizes is how dominant and pervasive Nazi control was in Germany. Then,
describing the victims of the death camp, Death says, “They were French, they
were Jews, and they were you,” suggesting the destruction was similarly
universal and pervasive. The point Death makes is that the mass murder of the
Jews wasn’t just a tragedy for Jews, but for all people everywhere. It was a
crime against humanity as a whole.
While Death
is working overtime to keep up with the demands of the war, Liesel is is still
mainly concerned with her domestic situation since the war remains at a
distance from Molching. She spends her time finding small ways to bring daily joy
to otherwise grim circumstances. Despite the war, the Hubermanns have “the
greatest Christmas ever,” thanks to Liesel’s snowman and a spontaneous indoor
snowball fight. But when Max gets sick, the situation is doubly dire. Not only
is Liesel concerned about the health of her new friend, but the Hubermanns must
also worry about the jeopardy they will be put in if he dies. No matter how
good a friend Max is to Liesel, or how considerate and quiet a lodger he tries
to be, the reality is that the Hubermanns are hiding him at great personal
cost, and his presence in their basement creates a huge potential liability for
all of them. As spring arrives, Rosa and Hans are feeling the burden of their
sacrifice. The stress is taking its toll, and though no one in the family
complains about how little they all have to eat, it’s evident from the fact
that everyone guiltily acknowledges that Max’s death would mean they would all
have a little more food.
As Max’s
coma wears on, Liesel discovers that, in addition to material goods, words can
also be a gift. At Hans’s suggestion, Liesel describes a cloud in writing for
Max, and she sees that by showing him things he cannot see or experience, she
can bring the outside world to him through language. She plays the same role for
him that the novels she reads, which show her places and people beyond her
experience in Molching, play for her. The realization shows her continuing
evolution as a writer, and her development of her own voice. Liesel also gives
Max the gift of words by reading to him, though she can’t be sure he hears her.
Reading out loud is a form of reassuring herself, as well as trying to
communicate with the sleeping Max. In both cases, she strengthens her bond with
him through words.
When Max
wakes up, the reprieve from worry is brief, because soon the Nazis arrive to
check people’s basements and again the Hubermanns are reminded of how tenuous
their situation is. The great risk the Hubermanns are taking in hiding Max is
never far from their minds, and again the duality of their life is indicated by
the Hubermanns’ ability to make polite conversation with the Nazi soldier in
their kitchen while a Jew hides in their basement. After the Nazi leaves,
Liesel tells Rudy that “everything’s good.” In fact, this couldn’t be farther
from the truth, either at home or in the world, but the imminent danger has
passed, so for the time being Liesel believes this to be true. Here is another
example of dramatic irony, since the reader knows things are about to get much
worse, but Liesel, who has no way of knowing the future, is relatively content.
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