sexta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2014

Part Five: The Whistler – Guidelines for a well-structured summary

“The Floating Book” (Part I)
1. What announcement does Death make about Rudy Steiner?  Why would Death characterizes the announcement as “small?”
2. What does Death foreshadow regarding Rudy’s death? How does Death feel about Rudy’s death?

“The Gamblers (A Seven"Sided Die)”
1. Why do you think the symbol of a seven-sided die is selected by the author? 
2. List the seven sides of the die.
3. Death explains his own interests to the reader.  How does that explanation support the idea that the point of view matters to the theme and overall power of a novel?
4. Max asks Rosa to cut his hair, but she is unable to find the scissors.  As the scene plays out, what does it reveal about life in the Hubermann household?
5. What is Liesel tempted to tell the mayor’s wife?  Why?
6. What bonded Erik and Hans?  What bonds LIesel and Max?  Explain.
7. What inspires Max to draw the picture of himself and Liesel walking the tightrope to the sun?
8. Why does Max exercise?
9. As Max becomes stronger, he imagines he is boxing Hitler. How do the rules the referee states mimic the reality of life in Germany?
10. What does Hitler shout to the audience watching the imaginary fight?  What does he ask them in his rhetorical tongue? How does the  audience  respond? What does this symbolize?
11. Who is the last individual to enter the ring? What does this symbolize?
12. How does Death relate Max’s dream to the well-recognized joke, “There’s a Jew  and a German Standing in a basement, right?” Do you find the reference powerful? Explain.
13. Why is the seven"sided die an appropriate symbol for this story?
14. What does the mayor’s wife give to Liesel? How does Liesel respond?
15.What form does Liesel’s subconscious take when she is verbally attacking the mayor’s wife?
16. How does Liesel feel after her verbal assault of Frau Hermann? Explain.

“Rudy’s Youth”
1. What three problems characterize Rudy’s young life? Explain.
2.The story flashes forward two years, what does Liesel long to do?  What does Liesel come tounderstand about her, and Rudy’s experiences with the Hitler Youth?

“The Losers”
1. Briefly identify Viktor Chemmel on the character grid.
2. Compare Viktor Chemmel and Arthur Berg as leaders. What parallels  might  you draw between their leadership styles and leaders from this historical period?
3. On what terms do Viktor and Rudy separate?
1.Max spends his time writing a book for Liesel.  He intends the book to be an autobiography, but that is not what emerges.  What inspires Max’s writing? How does the book change?
2. What happens when Liesel sneaks a peek of Max’s sketches?

“The Whistler and the Shoes”
1. Why does Rudy tell Liesel, “I need a win, Liesel.  Honestly.”?
2.Liesel decides that stealing something, more specifically, stealing something back, would be the best way to improve Rudy’s spirits?  From whom does Liesel choose to steal? What Does she realize when the opportunity to steal presents itself?
3.Hearing  someone walking on the floor above her, Liesel finds the book, goes  out  the window, and she and Rudy run away. What does Liesel realize has been left behind? What does Rudy do?
4.What indication does the reader have that Liesel has become as attached to Rosa as she has to Hans?
5. What “official title” does Liesel receive in October of 1941? By whom?

“Three Acts of Stupidity by Rudy Steiner”
1. List the three acts of stupidity that Death provides.
2.Why is Rudy’s behavior so dangerous?
Why  does  Rudy  behave  so  dangerously? What  is the result of Rudy’s behavior?

“The Floating Book (Part II)”
1. When and how does Rudy finally get his victory?
2. Why does Rudy remain in the freezing water longer than necessary?

3. Does Rudy finally get his kiss? 

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