quarta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2015

Sleepy Hollow Themes Summary

Veracity in Storytelling

The man who tells the legend to the narrator says he doesn't believe on it. Throughout the story, many doubtful events happen. All these elements make the story hard for the reader to believe on.

The Power of Imagination

Ichabod is very imaginative. He can even imagine his whole life with Katrina. He gets so deep in this imagination that he forgets he has to make it real.

Lack of Class Structure in America

In Europe, back on the time when Legend of Sleepy Hollow takes place, it was mandatory for noble women to marry rich or intelligent men. Katrina can marry any rich or intelligent man in Sleepy Hollow, but prefers to marry Brom, who is known for his strenght.

Abundance of Resources in America

Ichabod is a poor man, but he can have very good meals every day. Why? Because the American farmer's family he used to teach had so many resources, and rich and big farms, that he could have lunch there and eat delicious food without any problem.

Lack of History and Continuity in America

Even if Sleepy Hollow is a special village, as it developed legends with a short time of history, it still has much less history than European villages. The narrator says that the legend happened "in some remote period of American story, that is to say, 30 years ago". In Europe, 30 years means the same as nothing on its history, but in America, it was already a great part of its existence.

The Natural and the Supernatural

People in Sleepy Hollow always prefer to believe in the supernatural explanation of a mistery. What proofs it is the fact that they prefer to believe that Ichabod was hit by a ghost's head than a pumpkin.

The Human Selfishness

Katrina, aware of Ichabod's feelings, starts to use the teacher to make Brom care more about her. This shows her selfishness, as, even knowing Ichabod's good intentions, she makes him a puppet to call her true love attention.

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